Thursday, April 17, 2008

CH 3, 4, & 5 Test Review

You should be able to:

  1. Write word problems that use (a) comparison subtraction, (b) take-away model of subtraction, and (c) missing addend.
  2. Analyze students' methods for adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing. (Analyze means be able to explain the child's procedure or solution method, whether their procedure is reasonable, and if they got the answer correct or not. )
  3. Make a sketch that models the multiplication of two numbers (repeated addition, array, area, Fundamental Counting Principle), whether using whole numbers or fractions.
  4. Write division word problems that use equal share or repeated subtraction models.
  5. Estimate and explain your thinking when dividing very large numbers to determine an approximate percent.
  6. Use scientific notation to solve problems with really big numbers or really small numbers and be able to convert those numbers into other units that provide a better understanding of what those numbers represent.

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